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Sunday, 29 July 2007

Grammars are existing for a reason's

My name is Sean, and I am a Grammar Knight. I hope that the title of this post burns you as much as it does me, but I need to break some of you out there.

Why? Why must I hurt you with my woeful grammar? Well, because everyone else does!

It's thrown into our faces by rappers, morons and people who just don't use their brains! Not that some people aren't all three.

The popularising of incorrect English started with poets, unfortunately. They often decided that they weren't going to let the basic structures and rules of our language get in the way of their damn couplets. I can kind of forgive people who use slang in order to rhyme (The best-laid schemes o' mice an' men, Gang aft agley and all), but just butchering sentences, doing the language equivalent of forcing a round peg into a square hole, is wrong.

And from there it's gone on to rappers. Even Timbaland, bless him, has released a song called "The way I are", and even typing that hurts.

We mustn't forget the plight of the poor apostrophe, who is constantly misplaced or missed whenever a word is possessive or multiple (my girlfriend, whenever she sees a sign that says CD's, always rightfully asks "The CD's what? What belongs to the CD?").

Now, I understand that sometimes grammar can be difficult. I myself haemorrhage commas sometimes when I write, and I also thought that its should be written as its', but it is EASY to just look up the rules of grammar! There are hundreds of websites that explain them all!

I think the main problem is the way that we communicate nowadays. We post on forums, email and send IMs or texts more than we talk, and nobody (apart from a few Grammar Knights like me) ever picks up on the abominable language that people use.

We just accepted people who are write like this!

Or we let ppl get away w/just writing like they dnt ave ne 3 time.

Linked to this lack of grammar is the culture of 'Business Speech' which a lot of large organizations foster; it is common practice to make your letters as simple as possible, so that even a concussed five year old could understand what is being said. I HATE this; I feel insulted whenever I get a letter that has been simplified to a mush palatable to morons, and I can't stand writing such letters either. The point is that if we treat people like idiots then they are going to ACT like idiots!


So please, people of the world, do not accept poor grammar in any of its forms. If you see anything that displays a less than cursory knowledge of how our language should be used, then please point it out. Please let it be known that it is not good enough.

My hope is that we can try and raise the bar for our language, and teach children that they should use English correctly.

Victus nil abutor!

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