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Saturday, 25 October 2008

The Great Transfer - Circular Laughter

I have started a new job in York. It's quite a commute from Bradford to there, it takes me about 1 3/4 hours from my house to my office and vice versa, but it's worth it to travel to such a beautiful city.

York is to Bradford what Fillet Mignon is to a crushed snail. It just is; York is steeped in beautiful, gothic architecture and medieval castles and walls. There are some touches of modern hands in amongst them, but generally these have been thoughtfully placed amongst the city, to remain unoffensive if they can't be complimentary.

I walk to work and marvel that such a wonderful, amazing city remains in England. York is how foreigners expect all English cities to be; quirky, historic, beautiful and well organized.

And then I return to the squashed insect, filled with ugly sandstone buildings and worse, modern attempts at architecture. It's like walking into a darkened room, untouched by the light of aesthetic beauty.

Honestly, I really don't mind getting up before 6 to travel into York because it's worth it. If you'd told me I'd type something like that 3 years ago, I'd have laughed at you.

And now I laugh at me! Ha!

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