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Saturday, 25 October 2008

The Great Transfer - More Authonomy

Well, wow, there's been some serious drama and a flame war on Authonomy and that's been highly stressful and odd, but, in a weird way, I've made a few friends because of it so it's not all bad, just stressful.

At the same time, I'm working on a pitch for my book. For those who aren't in 'the know', an exclusive club that generally doesn't like to admit new members for free, so count yourselves as lucky, a pitch needs to be a short, page long description of a book so that a publisher/agent can get an idea of the kind of book that they're in for; it can be an indication of the quality of the writing, writer and plot.

So, it's pretty fucking important.

Having just read the whole of my damn book in 8 days, I have a pretty good idea of everything that happens again and find myself in a jam as to how to describe everything in the space of 300 word (250 for Authonomy... yikes...); I put so much detail, character, everything into these words and I need to sum them up to less than 0.25% of the book?

It's pretty fucking weak, but it needs to be done.

So, gentle readers, I've given it a good go and, like all my writing, am now going to leave it for a bit to stew and get a good sense of it.

Fuck, I hate the waiting, I really do, but I can really tell how good it's doing me; I'm pulling out loose threads all the time and the more distance I get the more this will happen.

I finished The World Ends With You, if you're interested, and it's truly amazing. A seriously classic game which I'll definitely play again. I'd recommend it to anyone who likes RPGs.

But buy a screen protector, because it's pretty brutal on your screen.

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