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Saturday, 25 October 2008

The Great Transfer - Policy Booklets

For the time being, I work in Insurance. Now, I know that this makes me an anatheama to most people; I am the enemy, the withholder of monies and the decliner of claims. Many people view insurance as a slimy business where the companies wrangle out of paying as often as possible.

To these people, I say; well, duh.

An insurer takes on a liability in return for an annual payment. This is the basis of all insurance; they take a risk on by guaranteeing to pay for everything which is listed in a contract between them and their customer. This is commmonly called your F*CKING POLICY BOOKLET.

If I were you, and, as someone who has insurance, I am, then I'd recommend that you read your policy booklet when you get it. It is part of a legally binding contract which you have entered into, so it would be best to know what you're liable for and what your insurer are liable for.

You wouldn't shouldn't buy anything without knowing what you're buying and the same goes for insurance.

This little rant-let comes about because someone accused insurance of being an immoral business because they don't pay out all of the time, regardless of the nature of the incident. You wouldn't expect the police to arrest someone you don't like regardless of what they'd done!

Not unless you were George W. Bush, anyway...

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